Leadership Trait 7: Exhibits Integrity

In this series of blog posts titled, “They Don’t Build Monuments Honoring Managers,” I will be documenting and sharing my thoughts about the eight traits found in GREAT LEADERS. While understanding that leadership styles may vary, the successful, truly transformational leaders I have encountered in my 30+ years in business exhibit these eight traits.


Trait 7: A Great Leader Exhibits Integrity

The value of integrity in a leader cannot be overstated and “leaders” without integrity are – honestly – not leaders. Integrity is an inner strength. It is that moral compass we all possess but sometimes ignore.

So, why is it so important for a leader to have integrity?

Integrity builds trust with followers. When followers know that they can trust their leader, they are far more likely to be loyal and supportive.

Integrity also ensures that leaders make decisions that are best for everyone, not just decisions that are based on self-interest or personal gain.

Therefore, when leaders show constant integrity, they are more likely to build positive relationships with their colleagues, customers, and partners, each of which may contribute to a successful outcome.

There are many ways to develop integrity as a leader. For example: One must start by being honest with oneself and with others. This means being truthful about your own strengths and recognizing your weaknesses, as well as being honest with others about their performance, strengths, and weaknesses. (Note: the book “Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham is highly recommended as a tool to help identify one’s strengths and weaknesses.) Demonstrating this openness and honesty with one’s followers can be as simple as keeping them informed and being open to feedback.

Another way to demonstrate integrity is to be consistent in your words and actions. This means doing what you say you are going to do, even when it is difficult. A leader who is consistent in their actions will follow through on their promises and commitments. They will also treat everyone fairly, regardless of position or status.

There is also a strong moral component in integrity. A great leader will stand up for what they believe in and will speak out against injustice or wrongdoing. They are willing to take risks to make a difference.

Finally, integrity is admitting when you are wrong. When you make a mistake, own it, be honest about it, and take steps to correct it.

The bottom line is that integrity is an essential quality for effective leadership. Leaders with integrity are more likely to be successful, build trust, and make better decisions. If you want to be a successful leader, it is important to have and continue to develop integrity as a core value.

Exhibits Integrity is the seventh of eight traits in the series and over the next several weeks, I will touch on each of those eight traits. As a preview, “A Great Leader Builds Great Leaders” will be the final trait in the series. Please follow RWSmith Education, Training, and Consulting on LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/company/87207378/) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/rwsmithetc) for a link to each post. Or one may visit www.rwsmithetc.com/blog to catch up on past posts. Appropriate comments are encouraged and please follow us, comment on, and “like” these social media posts if you find them valuable. Finally, forward this to your friends… or maybe your manager.


Leadership Trait 8: Builds Leaders


Leadership Trait 6: Have Followers