The Need for an Active Shooter Response Plan and Training for Your Employees
The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump should serve as an eye-opener if there was ever one. It led us to two conclusions - first, relying on your security apparatus does not guarantee safety. Secondly, it highlights the need for an active shooter response plan.
In 2023 alone, the FBI classified 48 shooting cases as “active shooter events.” Most of these incidents occurred within business establishments and schools. Such high numbers highlight the pressing need for preparedness and training for your employees.
This blog will give insights into how to craft a compelling active shooter response plan for your organization. Additionally, it will highlight the type of training that your employees need.
Crafting the Plan
You should begin by thoroughly assessing potential risks at your workplace. If you do not have expertise within your staff, look for a qualified consultant to help guide you. A professional can identify vulnerabilities and point out areas that need improvement. They may also suggest the implementation of security measures like surveillance cameras, access controls, and panic buttons to deter potential threats.
Next, you should develop, educate, and train employees on a clear, concise, and accessible response. We recommend starting with the "Run, Hide, Fight" protocol that the Department of Homeland Security endorses. This protocol will teach your employees to run if there's an accessible escape path, hide if evacuation isn't possible, and fight as a last resort when lives are at risk. A good utility consulting services company like RWSmith ETC can help train your employees to respond correctly in specific situations.
Your plan should further include a complete walkthrough with each of your employees in their workspace. Behavioral scientists at the FBI have discovered that the biggest factor in surviving an active shooter incident is having a great plan before the worst happens. Your consultant should visit with all employees and ensure that they have a great plan, whether they are in their office or workspace, in the breakroom, or anywhere else in the building.
Further, don't overlook the importance of prompt medical response. Keep first aid kits accessible and train your employees in basic first aid and CPR. Furthermore, the availability and proper use of tourniquets can limit blood loss and save lives.
Training Employees
Any good utility consulting services company will tell you this - no response plan can ever be successful without the proper training to execute it.
Following a walk-through with your experts, companies should start with an initial training session where employees are introduced to your customized active shooter response plan. Explain the basics of this plan and clarify everyone’s roles and responsibilities. After the introductory class, the consultants should meet with each employee to ensure that they have a plan and know where to run, where and how to “actively hide,” and when and how to fight if necessary.
Regular drills are an essential part of the initial and follow-up training. You should conduct drills at least twice a year to simulate different scenarios and various directions of attack. After each drill, ask your HR team to gather feedback and identify areas of improvement.
Finally, employees must know what to do, and how to react, after the event is over. Most events last fewer than five minutes. Employees must know how to react after first responders arrive on the scene.
Maintaining continuous education on workplace safety is as important as ever. You must regularly update your employees on any changes to your response plan and give the requisite training about these changes. Reinforce the importance of being prepared through newsletters, emails, and meetings and keep the conversation going.
Remember that creating a safe workplace environment goes beyond procedures and plans. Foster a supportive and communicative work culture for your employees. They should feel comfortable reporting concerns and know that their safety is your top priority.
Final Thoughts
If you need help in creating this plan and training your employees, approach a utility consulting services company like RWSmith ETC. Their partnership with a retired FBI SWAT Team leader ensures the absolute best training and tactical evaluation of your facilities.
Along with active shooter preparedness and survival awareness, we also train employees on excellent customer service, management, teamwork, workplace dynamics (interpersonal relationships), and leadership.