Management Boot Camp
Onsite Training for Your NEW and EXPERIENCED Managers
Growing and Nurturing Managers
Management is hard. Managers must deal with interpersonal relationships, budgets, safety, reports, and the list goes on and on. Knowing how to deal with problems, address the additional workload, and build a competent and efficient team typically comes with years of training and experience. Sadly, employees are often promoted to their first—or their next—management role either without the years of experience needed or the training and education needed to be successful.
But there is something you can do to address this.
Management Boot Camp is valuable for NEW and EXPERIENCED managers. Available as a full-day class, attendees will learn and discuss:
Management Traits Assessment Provides a Look Into Existing Management Strengths
What Makes a Good Manager?
Seven “Must Dos” for Managing After a Promotion
How Effective Communication is Essential as a Manager and Tips for Better Communication
Building Effective Teams
How To Recognize and Effectively Leverage Personality and Generational Differences
Five Keys to Sound Decision Making
Tips for Dealing with Discipline and Corrective Measures
The Importance of Employee Reviews
Being an ‘Active Manager,’ not a Micromanager
The class will wrap up with a look at the difference between a manager and a leader. A company can have all the managers they need simply by gifting a “title” to an employee, but to be called a “leader” is earned. What makes a leader? How can one become a leader? How can we build more leaders? All are important questions, and all will be addressed in “Management Boot Camp.”
“Everyone enjoyed your Buddy to Boss new manager breakout presentation at the D&O Conference last year, and we wondered about you presenting a similar topic again as a keynote.”
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