Teams That Work

Building Better Teams and Better Teammates

The Challenge of One

Teamwork is when a group of people works together toward a common goal or purpose. In short, the team acts as ONE. If each person willingly and intentionally makes the team's interests and objectives their first priority, work reaches heightened levels of success. The results can make a big impact. 

Building a team involves bringing people together, while teamwork allows those people to use their different abilities, values, and beliefs to accomplish something they may not be able to do alone. Unity is the foundation for effective teamwork, leading to greater creativity and productivity in the workplace and happier, healthier teams.

Employees at businesses with successful teams have more fun at work, experience less stress, are more creative, motivated, and diverse, and experience rapid personal and professional growth. According to the Harvard Business Review, they also report being more satisfied with their job, are less susceptible to burnout, and are less likely to leave their organization to pursue another role. In other words, not only are they better contributors, they provide more stability to a business.

Teams That Work is a half-day or full-day class that stresses the importance of working together with a single goal along a single path, all going in the same direction as a single unit. A true TEAM, working as ONE.

Utilizing lectures, open dialog, and teambuilding activities, attendees will learn the core components of being a great teammate and of building and leading successful teams.

Roger is fully devoted and provides excellent class material. He engages the participants and gains a sense of where they are and what they need from the workshop from the start.
— Russ Stoots - General Manager - Brownsville Energy Authority

Teamwork is important because it promotes a positive work environment where employees can achieve individual and company goals and overcome challenges. Businesses and organizations need teamwork the most when a project is time-sensitive and requires a diverse set of skills and experiences.

At its best, teamwork accomplishes complex tasks at greater speeds, reaches new benchmarks, expands professional skill sets, and alters the course of history. By incorporating teamwork, dynamic and sustained change can occur.’

Topics covered include:

  • What defines a great team?

  • Five requirements of an effective team

  • What makes a great teammate?

  • Leading an effective team

  • Strategies for making teamwork work

  • Management’s role in successful teamwork


*Prior to the full-day class, each attendee will be asked to complete an online personality
assessment. This will aid in helping each representative understand how their personality affects their interactions, and it will help them understand that different personality types must be dealt with in different ways.

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